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The two main colour systems used in web design and development are RGB and HEX.
RGB means Red, Green, and Blue and is a model of additive color that blends the primary colors in a variety of intensities to create a vast range of shades. Every color of RGB is represented as an integer ranging from zero to 255, with (0 0 0, 0.) being black, and (255, 255 (255, 255, 255) being white.
However, HEX is a hexadecimal color notation system which represents the colors together an eight-digit code. The digits within the HEX code is a representation of the green, red and blue elements of the color, in turn. For instance, #FF0000 is pure red, and contains FF (255 in decimal) for red and 000 (0 in decimal) for blue and green.
Though RGB can be more intuitive in understanding the color composition, HEX is widely used in web design because of its small format. Both systems are interchangeable and most design software as well as web browsers are able to interpret either of them. Knowing these color systems is essential for making consistent and appealing designs for different platforms.